Notre activité, couramment appelée Family office, consiste à prendre en charge tous les besoins liés à la vie familiale de nos clients.
Notre indépendance nous permet d’orienter nos clients vers les meilleures solutions Loin de toutes contraintes.
Nous disposons d’une mise à jour constante de nos partenaires, cela nous permet de vous offrir une sélection des meilleures opportunités du marché et vous donne l’avantage de vous trouver la solution la plus adaptée à votre requête.
Each client is unique and needs a unique solution, tailored to their needs
Years of experience
in this field
Real estate investment and development
Global citizenship and residence program
Project financing

Life style CONCIERGERIE, Make every
detail perfect
Our Services for Individuals
- Multi-Family Office
- Real estates portfolio transmission, estate planning.
- Insurance
- Planning for domicile transfers in Switzerland or the European Union.
- Local partnership support
- Real Estate Consultation and Expertise
- Specialists in prestige residential and Trophy commercial real estate.
- Expertise in real estate and property financing.
- Guidance for your investment projects.
- Continuous selection of the best market opportunities.
- Property management.
- Debt and mortgage structure analysis.
- Family Business Advisory
- Consulting services for family businesses.
- Trustee Services
- Coordination of professionals.
- Global Asset Allocation and Investment Strategy
- Consulting Services
- Aircraft, art, yacht & Properties insurance.
- Philanthropy
Need help?
If you define yourself by how you differ from the competition, you’re probably in trouble.
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